Faces of Christ Follow-up GroupsFollowup Groups were created to afford individuals that have attended the Faces Of Christ Retreat the opportunity to continue exploring what God laid on your heart during the retreat. They are in-depth studies that focus on a particular area of the retreat. The studies consist of scripture reading, group discussion, and experimental forms of learning. The groups meet weekly for six to eight weeks and consist of up to four participants plus a leader and co-leader.
The first Faces of Christ Followup is an eight week study that focuses on clarifying your core beliefs and identifying how they impact your life. As you learn more about these false beliefs and realize the negative impact they have had in your life you also begin to learn to change the focus to the Truths of God. As you live out of God's truth, you begin to experience the fulfilled life that He has promised for all believers. After completing the first followup, the Walking In Truth Study is offered. This study focuses on Christ's life and timeline while He lived on earth while also comparing your timeline from the retreat. You will begin to understand many of the paths you have chosen in life. While some are positive and others are negative, this is an opportunity to see where God has been at work in your life. To find out when the next available Followup Group will begin go the Contact Page and request a schedule. |
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